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Library-Initiated Programs and Display Policy

Cranston Public Library Library-Initiated Programs and Display Policy

The Cranston Public Library’s mission is to bring people, information and ideas together to enrich lives and strengthen the community. Programming and displays are an integral component of library service that: 

  • Expands the Library’s role as a community resource
  • Introduces patrons and non-users to Library resources
  • Provides opportunities for lifelong learning
  • Expands the visibility of the library

Ultimate responsibility for programming and displays at the Library rests with the Library Director, under the designated authority of the Board of Trustees.

The Library’s staff use the following criteria in making decisions about program and display topics, speakers, and accompanying resources:

  • Support of the Library’s mission
  • Community needs and interests
  • Availability of program space
  • Presentation quality
  • Presenter background/qualifications in content area
  • Budget
  • Relevance to community interests and issues
  • Historical, educational or artistic significance
  • Connection to other community programs, exhibitions or events
  • Relation to Library collections, resources, exhibits and programs
  • Diversity and inclusivity in our community

The Cranston Public Library believes that socially excluded, marginalized and underrepresented people should be able to see themselves reflected in the resources and programs that the library offers. The Library is a safe space for all members of our community and all programs will reflect that. 

In addition, the Library draws upon other resources in developing programs and actively partners with other community agencies, organizations, educational and cultural institutions, or individuals to develop and present co-sponsored public programs. Professional performers and presenters that reflect specialized or unique expertise may be hired for Library programs; performers and presenters will not be excluded from consideration because of their race or color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, actual or perceived gender identity or expression, disability, age, national or ethnic origin, socio-economic status, or views. Library staff who present programs do so as part of their regular job duties and are not hired as outside contractors for programming. 

All Library programs are free and open to the public. Library sponsorship of a program does not constitute an endorsement of the content of the program or the views expressed by participants. 

Program registration may be required for planning purposes or when space is limited. Programs may be held on site at any Library location, off site, or virtually. Some programs may only be offered for specific ages or at specific times or places. However, library staff strive to make programs accessible to all and welcome requests for reasonable accommodations. 

Any sales of products at Library programs must be approved by the Library Director. Programs and displays are not used for commercial, religious, or partisan purposes. 

The Library reserves the right to cancel a program for any reason at any time. Programs may be canceled for a number of reasons beyond the Library’s control such as severe weather, building emergencies, absence of the presenter, or low registration. Every effort will be made to contact individuals who have pre-registered. Canceled programs are not automatically rescheduled. 

External organizations or individuals that have partnered with the Library on programs must coordinate marketing efforts with the Library’s Communications Department. 

The Cranston Public Library also rents space to outside groups for programs and meetings. These are outside room rentals with no implicit or explicit collaboration between the group and Cranston Public Library. See our Meeting Room policy for more details. 

If a patron has a question about a particular library program, they should first address the concern with a library staff member. Patrons may request a review of a library program and should submit the Request for Reconsideration form (opens PDF in a new tab). Requests for review of programs will be considered in the same manner as requests for reconsideration of library materials as outlined in the library policy “Reconsideration of Library Materials.”

Approved by the Cranston Public Library Board of Trustees 9/10/2020

Revised 1/11/2023


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